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Original paintings

After Sex (the beasts go back to sleep) series


Acrylics & Oil paintings 

After sex (the beasts go back to sleep) series focuses on sexual mystic experiences. The orgasm is a secret everyone wants to taste.

Every individual seeks pleasure. Sexual relationships have a timeline of desire, passion and eventually plenitude. 

This painting series narrates events after sex. In some cases, you’ve had an incredible experience but with the wrong person. In others, you feel like “falling in love”. Sometimes you can’t get the job done, so you finish by yourself. These paintings evoke an intriguing ambiance while spectators immerse themselves in an erotic dream.

When bathrooms chit-chat series


Tells the story of people having a hard time with their inner thoughts and stomachs once they know a limit has been passed. Goes around the intimacy each of us experiences in the privacy of the bathroom.

Vértigo too series


Acrylics on canvas

The Vertigotoo series continues with the language of pictorial frames of childhood. Vertigo in decision making. Jump into the void. Knowing that personal boundaries can become a game. There we are ready to live. Colors explode around. We get to the edge and we do it … we jump …

Composed of acrylic paintings “Vertigotoo” talks about the almost frozen movement of the jump. The quiet intrepidity of decisions while there is time to play.

Vértigo series



Vertigo since the womb. Vertigo when our human nature, our bodies; Warn of danger. Uncertainty, restlessness, sweat between the fingers … everything seems to shake !! Get drowsy !!

It is the moment of the jump to an unknown place! That feeling you have when you are going to be docked or when you are in front of the person you like most !! You must react

Through this, we have built and known our limits, our passions, and our struggles to overcome our frustrations. Vertigo always accompanies us. From the child who takes his first steps until the moment when life fades.

Vertigo when you make decisions in life.

Fear is a tool

The jump is in the void

To retake the vertigo is to approach the decision-making.